
No Date
No Fate


More than Dating
More than App

Our mission is to make people really unlonely
We provide the fastest and excitement way from online to offline meetings
So come with us to the real side, SunDate side


Real Side
Real People

Only real Video without any Filters or fake Masks. Only real People around the Whole world and further to the stars


Mega Efficiency
Mega Fun

First ever in your hands the Mega efficient Searching instrument with five or even six Modes for
self-advertisement, for having fun and finding your soulmates


Time priceless
Life coolest

Limited time and just a few interesting steps to organize a date So, just a few hours and you go for a date, or you go for another date, but definitely, you go for a date Your time is a priceless thing in this World, so do not waste it


A few words By SUNDATE TEAM

Some say, metauniverse, but we say, it is Your universe and it is real Anything virtual cannot replace people around you, cannot replace real warm and support of the beloved person, cannot replace real You We can hide from life behind masks, but we cannot hide from our loneliness The best thing You have is this one life and it’s all yours, so be real, be yourself and go for a date, SunDate


Five Searching Modes

You want to find locals, so take this one – Local Mode

or You want to search around the world with additional parameters – World Mode

And what about if You see foreigners who will come to your city and see other travelers at place where will you go in future too – Travel Mode

You want to go for a date immediately with somebody who also want it – Instant Mode

You want to find someone you have lost or you want to make any announcement, so make it with – Map Mode

Simple and Quick
3-steps dating system

No more useless chats, just three quick steps:
  1. Make a match
  2. Share bonus video
  3. Approve one dating card.
Trace your SunDate and Go for it!

Our advantages

equal chance

The simple way for people with anу disabilities or major illness to make a Goal and to make a giant leap from loneliness. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”

Only real video content and people

Only real video content to make matchmaking more interesting and to avoid fakes. Higher ratings with more videos and for more matches

Original interface for more Usability

Dynamic menu and all buttons in big finger zone. Auto play for additional comfort. Dating cards and much further

Dating without borders

All Five searching modes are opened forever and for everyone. Additional services and many other unexpected features



Welcome to team, our soulmates and our teammates.

07 January 2023

We keep moving forward and up to the stars, slowly, but still we do it. And Eschool-ua and its Found...



Dedicated to our best friend Oleksii….

24 August 2022

Today 24 August 2022 is the Independence Day of Ukraine, it is 6 month of War against russian invade...


Beсome a part of SunDate family
